Rural Housing w/ Southern Hills Preservation Corp

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Onondaga Free Library
Room 222 (2nd floor)

Event Details

Southern Hills Preservation Corporation (SHPC) was established as a private, nonprofit organization in 1986 to provide needed housing services to low- and moderate- income residents of southern Onondaga County, including in the Town of Onondaga. In this one-hour talk, SHPC's Natalie Dimovski will provide an overview of the organization's multi-decade efforts to promote affordable housing and community revitalization through development, financing, advocacy, counseling and education. Information on how to support SHPC's mission or apply for assistance will also be provided. 

Recommended for adults | REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Event Type(s): Adults
Age Group(s): Adults, Seniors
Presenter: Natalie Dimovski of Southern Hills Preservation Corporation
(315) 492-1727

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