Longhouse Construction: Howlett Hill & Beyond

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Onondaga Free Library
Community Room

Event Details

Over the summer of 1967, archaeologists from Syracuse University excavated a Haudenosaunee site located in the Howlett Hill area of the Town of Onondaga. Their efforts uncovered a wealth of information about Haudenosaunee society, culture, technology, burial practices and-- significantly--long house construction, revealing the remains of an impressive 320 foot-long structure, one of the largest long houses ever discovered in New York State. In this engaging talk, Dr. Sara French, professor of Landscape Architecture at SUNY ESF will provide an overview of the Howlett Hill site, its excavation, and the development, construction, and significance of the incredible long houses that defined it. 

Recommended for adults | Registration requested

Event Type(s): Adults
Age Group(s): Adults, Seniors
Presenter: Dr. Sara French, Professor of Landscape Architecture SUNY ESF
(315) 492-1727

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