Strathmore Speakers present Personal Trainer Pete Haley on “Strength for Life”

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Onondaga Free Library
Community Room

Event Details

Personal Trainer and Nutritional Coach Pete Haley will discuss what it means to be strong for life. Pete’s presentation will cover the value of movement and exercise, and the difference between the two. He will also discuss the impact of discomfort, pain, and injury and how to move while dealing with them, the value of consistency/quality vs. quantity, and the impact of nutrition on how we move, feel, and perceive pain. His presentation will include a demonstration of movements and exercises that attendees can try at home. A brief Q&A will follow his presentation.

Recommended for Adults | REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Event Type(s): Adults, Lectures
Age Group(s): Adults, Seniors
Presenter: Strathmore Speakers
(315) 492-1727

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